Essence of Life – Friday Fictioneers 2 February 2018

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Essence of Life

It’s autumn, the smell of wood smoke permeates the air. Oh how I love this time of year.

The tail end of the earth’s energy feels like a rush, a speeding up. The urgency to prepare for winter courses through my veins.

Excitement is building.

We have bottled fruit, tinctured herbs, gathered nuts, frozen vegetables and buried the tubers, away from harsh frosts and hungry foragers.

Now the last of the chores is almost complete.

Chop wood.

This year we have had to say goodbye to our ancient apple tree.

I shall cherish your essence as you keep me warm.

Friday Fictioneers



I awoke again this morning
With the scent of Autumn in the air.
It invigorated my spirit
End of summer’s almost there.

I can feel a building of excitement
As the season’s change again
The urge to gather nuts and stores
Ready for the onslaught
Of winters wind and rain.

I usually feel a sadness
When Summer’s almost done
But I’ve had my fill of sunshine
So now  Autumn…  bring it on!