Two Friends A-Musing – Friday Fictioneers 22 December 2017

PHOTO PROMPT © Björn Rudberg


Two Friends A-Musing…

“Do you believe in parallel universes?”

“I don’t discount anything; just because I’m not aware of it doesn’t necessarily mean it isn’t there.”

“Hell, that’s a concept I can’t get my head around. What planet you on?”

“Same as you, I think,” she laughed.

“If everything we focus on becomes manifest in our universe, eventually, as we have a time buffer…” she mused.

“…imagine a parallel universe where the manifestation was instant.”

“Every time I said ‘hat’s off to them’ …”

“I’d have a pile of hats big enough to set up shop,” she giggled.

“But shops would be obsolete.”

Friday Fictioneers