Old Habits Die Hard – Friday Fictioneers 20 April 2018

PHOTO PROMPT © Douglas M. MacIlroy

Old Habits Die Hard

“See that, Brierly, that’s where you’re at. Chained, trapped in the illusion of powerlessness.
So much so you think everything and everyone around you needs to change in order for you to feel safe and happy.
Well, I’ve some good news for you.
You were sold that reality by your forefathers, who were well intentioned but equally fearful.
All they had to do was take their attention from outside of themselves, to within themselves and they would’ve come to realise, that is where their power lies… within.
Try it son, what have you got to lose?!”

Friday Fictioneers

Time – Now and Then

Beinn na Caillich and the Kirkyard of Cill Chriosd Blaven, Isle of Skye, Scotland

Beinn na Caillich (the hill of the old woman) ever present and the Kirkyard of Cill Chriosd (Christ’s church), Blaven, Isle of Skye, Scotland.

According to wikipedia written records date back to 1505. However, the kirk’s location is thought to date as far back to the 600s when St Maelrubha (who lived from 642 to 722) was seen to preach from the top of a nearby rocky knoll, called Cnoc na-Aifhreann, (hill of the mass).

The eternal illusion of time.
